Sunday, July 26, 2009


I am seeking deliverance.

Deliverance from the mundane, the monotonous, the mediocre, the mire.  What I seek is deliverance from my own mind.

In the movie, The Matrix, Morpheus sought to free minds from the grip of the matrix, a false reality.  Jesus seeks to do the same.  He frees us from the constructed realities of our minds and reveals the truth.  But it is difficult for the mind to let go.  Like the Hebrews, sometimes I want to return to Egypt, to bondage.  My mind believes the shackles hold me, but in truth the shackles don’t exist. 

Milton wrote, “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.”

If I can train my mind to see reality instead of the facade then no shackle can hold me, no force can deter me, and nothing can separate me from the love of Christ.  If I can grasp the depth of what it means to have the mind of Christ, then perhaps I can begin to explore what it is to live with strength, vitality, joy, love.

Lofty goals? Or attainable realities?

You decide.